Ways to spread the gospel with pets

How do pets allow us to spread the Gospel?

The world is ever-changing.  However, there is one thing that ever remains the same and that is the word of God.  The word is alive and as we read it and meditate on it, it gives us life. 
Animals are a gift because they bring you and me together to talk.  We are able to share experiences and enjoy a moment together just to be and enjoy the day.  

Animals unite us in conversation and allow you to get to know me and me to get to know you.  You get to see a small glimpse into my world as I see into yours.  
Animals allow us to meet at a common ground

These small glimpses into other lives are bigger opportunities than most realize.  The gospel doesn't have to be some overly delivered message that is based on eloquence. It just needs to be truthful and coming from your heart.  

The words will come to you at the right time but a relationship with the Lord needs to be there in order for the words to form.  

Pets are a friendly face to look at and remind you of happiness, who you are, and that fear does not need to be involved when sharing the message of love, hope, joy, and peace. 🐶🐕🦮🐕

Can animals help us learn the message of truth?

Animals have a lot to show us about love and understanding. Have you ever had a day where you felt like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed and needed a restart? Try to think about your loving pet. They can remind you of love quickly and simply.

Let go of trying and be surprised how easy it is to talk about faith if you pray for it.

Sometimes the message of Love is not the message of peace.  Jesus does not always come to bring peace.  His message does not always resonate with every crowd.  

That doesn't need to stop you from talking about your hope in him. There is a place for religion in the work environment and pets allowed me to meet at a common place with my colleagues and peers.  

Stick with it and allow the pets you own, work with, or play with entertain you while you continue to remain in him.  
Think about examples in your life that have been miraculous and given by God.  Use those times.  Explain how you feel and ask questions.  Jesus is real even in times of sadness, uncertainty, and unbelief. 
Sometimes it is the small exchanges that bear the most fruit

It is amazing that a book talks about a man that you cannot see but somehow you know him, feel him, and see him in every single aspect of your entire life.  

John 14:20 
On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.

I worked in a Pet Salon and I was able to develop relationships with many people at work and talk to them about my faith.  They saw my life change as I grew my trust in God even through trying and difficult times.  There may be struggles in our life but Christ always wins out.  

A deep bond with animals can break the ice when speaking to someone.  An animal can allow for easy conversation.   
It is the unseen that matters and allowing others to learn about your faith will give them true life.

If you are the type of person who struggles to talk about God, stop trying so hard, and listen to your heart.  You are likely here because you love pets and God has directed you to listen to a little advice.  

Pets entertain and take our focus off stress.  If you have a pet or simply love animals, try being around them more.  Animals have a way of bringing us to the right people at the right time.  

Allow Jesus to shine through from your own life.  Here is an example of how I would bring up God-

If I am talking to someone I don't know or even that I know,  I often will say things like "God willing" or "I pray".  This lightly makes mention of my faith.  If the person begins to come closer in my life they will begin to see the things God has done.  This is exciting.  

I am glad that animals allow us to become closer.  I hope that you have the opportunity to spend time with an animal today.  
Have a Blessed Day! 


  1. I really enjoyed this!
    We need more angels on earth like you to spread kindness and positivity around. Thank you!

    1. I am glad you enjoyed it. Feel free to share it with others :) Thank you!


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